In spite of an abundance of sophisticated technology and cutting-edge pharmaceuticals, cardio vascular disease (CVD) remains our leading cause of death in the United States.

About 610,000 people die of heart disease every year- that’s 1 in every 4 deaths.

Unfortunately some doctors only consider heart disease as a possibility for people who fit into a small cluster of risk factors.

The truth is-

Heart disease is rampant even among those who don’t smoke, aren’t obese, and don’t even have high cholesterol, high blood pressure, or diabetes.

There are actually hundreds of risk factors that science has linked to the development of heart disease, many of which never get any attention at all.

For instance, did you know there is a link between heart disease and autoimmune disease?

In fact, research suggests that people with certain autoimmune conditions have significantly higher rates of CVD than the average population.

People with Lupus, for example, have been shown to have a 4-8 times greater chance of developing CVD.

People with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) not only have a reduced life expectancy, but CVD is their leading cause of death.

So why are autoimmune patients more likely to have heart disease?

One key factor is that people with autoimmunity have high systemic inflammation and an overly sensitive defense system. Chronic inflammation can be very damaging to the tissues in your body, and it often sets off a negative chain reaction that can do more harm than good.

Another important factor is the medications used to treat autoimmune conditions, with steroids being at the top of the list. Chronic steroid use has been shown to induce obesity, insulin resistance, glucose intolerance, dyslipidemia (abnormally high levels of cholesterol or fat in your blood), hypertension, as well as direct endothelial damage, all of which can contribute to CVD.

Pharmaceuticals can be lifesaving and necessary at times for rescue relief but-

For long-term success, the most effective strategy for treating autoimmune disease is to address and correct the root cause of the disease.

The first place you have to start is identifying and removing the foods in your diet that are triggering the inflammation. Our 28 Day Elimination and Detoxification Program will take you step by step through the process.

Call us today for details and to set-up your free diet evaluation.


Autoimmune disease is on a rapid rise. We currently have around 24 million people who have been diagnosed.

The different types of autoimmune disease are on the rise too.

To date, we have identified over 150 autoimmune diseases. Here is the list:

Don’t wait until you are the next statistic.

Call today- 866-222-6490