Master Supplements- Superior Science
Master Supplements raises the standard of what to expect from a supplement by guaranteeing results that you can feel working. Probiotic bacteria in commercial capsules are largely destroyed by gastric acidity when they enter the stomach. To achieve the best results, probiotics must be delivered alive through the stomach deep into the intestinal tract. Master Supplements utilizes a natural carbohydrate derived from seaweed to safely deliver the bacteria. Once the capsule travels through the duodenum and into the small intestine, the pH rises and the alginic shell begins to dissolve. The sensitive probiotics are delivered safely and begin effectively colonizing the soft lining of the G.I. tract.
Master Supplements offers a 60-day money-back guarantee.
There is a $6.00 shipping fee to have this product shipped directly to your home. Please refrigerator upon arrival.
Travel packs are available for times when refrigeration isn’t possible.
There are 3 different probiotics used in the various protocols:
Theralac $47.95 (30 capsules)
A multi-strain probiotic supplement designed to boost immune health and digestive regularity.
Theralac contains 30 billion CFU of lactobacilli and bifidobacteria probiotic cultures for complete intestinal coverage. The strains synergize and work together to promote digestive health, wellness, and a return to regularity so you can feel your best.
- Full G.I. Tract Support
- Digestive Issues
- Gas and Bloating
- Heartburn
TruBifido $47.95 (30 capsules)
A powerful probiotic for those looking to promote colon wellness and regulate their immune system.
TruBifido contains 30 billion CFU of Bifidobacteria to promote colon health. The five strains selected were chosen for their superior efficacy and compatibility with each other, and they work together to support regularity, boost immunity, and fortify your colon so you can stay well.
- Immune Regulation
- Colon Health
- Increased Energy
TruFlora $42.95 (32 capsules)
A combination of probiotics and enzymes created to cleanse unwanted microorganisms.
TruFlora pairs 15 billion CFU of Lactobacillus and Bacillus probiotic bacteria with 2 digestive enzymes to help your body purge undesirable microorganisms, yeast, and waste from your digestive tract. The probiotics and enzymes work in harmony to cleanse your digestive tract, leaving you with increased energy.
- Cleanse Waste
- Purge Yeast
- Stimulate Immunity
Also available – A line of products that are for more enhanced dosing regiments
Theralac PRO (40 capsules)
Professional-only version of Theralac
TheralacPRO contains 50 billion CFU of lactobacilli and bifidobacteria probiotic cultures for broad-spectrum colonization throughout the GI tract. The strains synergize and work together to promote digestive and immune health, and a return to regularity so you can feel your best.
Dosing Instructions
- Standard
One capsule per day for 14 days then two capsules per week thereafter - Health Maintenance
Two capsules per week - Intensive
Two capsules daily for 15 days
Trubifido PRO (40 capsules)
Professional-only version of TruBifido
TruBifidoPRO contains 50 billion CFU of Bifidobacteria to promote colon health. The five strains selected were chosen for their superior efficacy and compatibility with each other, and they work together to support regularity, boost immunity, and fortify your colon so you can stay well.
TruBifido PRO helps those with long-term digestive issues and those with an over-active immune response.
Dosing Instructions
- Standard
One capsule per day for 14 days then two capsules per week thereafter - Health Maintenance
Two capsules per week - Intensive
Two capsules daily for 15 days
Fiber and enzymes are also incorporated:
TruFiber $32.95 (50 servings)
A prebiotic fiber that helps probiotics proliferate and improves digestive regularity.
TruFiber is a tasteless fiber powder combined with fiber digesting enzymes which work together to provide prebiotic nutrition for beneficial bacteria. SunFiber®, our fiber source, has been shown to improve regularity. TruFiber may provide a satiated feeling for those looking to lose weight.
- Restore Regularity
- Dissolves Clear
- Supports GI Health
- Boosts Probiotic Growth
Enzalase $39.95 (50 servings)
Twelve plant-based enzymes formulated to help you break down and digest food better.
Enzalase contains twelve different enzymes which aid your body in breaking down carbohydrates, fiber, proteins, and fats, helping you and the probiotics in your gut derive more nutrition from the food you eat as well as providing relief from daily gas and bloating.
- Boost Digestion
- Improve Comfort
10-Day Colon Cleanse- $72.90 SPECIAL PRICE $59.99
To prepare your G.I. tract for optimal probiotic colonization, it helps to cleanse your digestive tract before taking a probiotic. Our 10 Day Colon Cleanse works by purging unwanted waste made up of compacted carbohydrates, fat, and fecal matter which frees up space for our probiotics to flourish. The enzymes in Enzalase® gently break down impacted waste material and TruFiber® ensures that the waste gets moved out of the G.I. tract so it can’t be reabsorbed.
What you need:
- 1 Bottle of TruFiber
- 1 Bottle of Enzalase
- Take 2 capsules of Enzalase before bed for 10 nights
- Take 2 scoops of TruFiber before bed for 10 nights
45-Day Complete Digestive Health Program- $168.00 SPECIAL PRICE $129.95
Featuring Theralac®, Enzalase®, and TruFiber®
For complete digestive support, we recommend the use of a probiotic in addition to a high-quality enzyme and fiber supplement. Enzalase aids digestion and helps break down food while TruFiber positively alters colon microflora. Both products work synergistically with our flagship probiotic, Theralac, a balanced probiotic formula that provides complete G.I. coverage, to provide a boost to gut health. This 45-Day program is great for anyone who has taken antibiotics or experienced digestive issues.
What you need:
- 2 Bottles of Theralac
- 1 Bottle of TruFiber
- ! Bottle of Enzalase
- 1st Theralac bottle: Take 2 capsules a day for 15 days
- 2nd Theralac bottle: Take 1 capsule a day for 30 days
- TruFiber bottle: Mix 1 scoop into food or beverage of your choice each day for 45 days.
- Enzalase bottle: Take 1 capsule before your largest meal of the day for 45 days
30- Day Probiotic Gut Reset- $138.85 SPECIAL PRICE $99.95
To create digestive balance, you need the right type and number of good bacteria. This program offers maximum probiotic diversity and colonization.
For this program, start with TruFlora® to help purge undesirable bacteria with a bio-cleansing action. Next, use TruBifido® to fortify the colon with large amounts of beneficial Bifidobacteria. Lastly, use Theralac® to restore both Lactobacillus and Bifidobacteria throughout the entire GI tract.
What you need:
- 1 Bottle of TruFlora
- 1 Bottle of Trubifido
- 1 Bottle of Theralac
- Step 1 CLEANSE- Take 1 capsule of TruFlora a day for 10 days
- Step 2: FORTIFY- Take 1 capsule of TruBifido a day for 10 days
- Step 3: RESTORE- Take 1 capsu;e of Theralac a day for 10 days
Problematic Yeast Program- 30-Day Program- $163.80 SPECIAL PRICE $129.95
What you need:
- 1 Bottle of TruFlora
- 1 Bottle of Theralac
- 1 Bottle of TruFiber
- 1 Bottle of Enzalase
- Take 2 capsules of TruFlora a day or 10 days
- Take 2 capsules of Theralac a day for the next 10 days
- Take 2 capsules of TruFora a day for the next 5 days
- Take 2 capsules of Theralac a day for the next 5 days
- TruFiber Bottle: Mix 1 scoop into food or beverage of your choice every day
- Enzalase Bottle: Take 1 capsule before your largest meal each day.
Cleansing Program
Master Supplements offers some easy options for cleansing the GI tract. We offer a 10 day cleanse that uses Enzalase to break down compacted waste material in the gut and then TruFiber to move that waste material out of the body so it isn’t reabsorbed. TruFlora is a powerful probiotic that provides a strong bio-cleansing action by producing large amounts of lactic acid to fend off antagonistic bacteria and yeast cells.
10-Day Colon Cleanse
30-Day Probiotic Gut Reset
Health Concerns
Gas and Bloating
Gas and bloating can be very uncomfortable. Often times it results from powerful gas producing bacteria like Clostridia in the gut. Using probiotics to counter these effectscan help restore digestive balance and comfort. It is also helpful to pay attention to what types of foods trigger the gas and bloating. Enzalase is a powerful digestive enzyme that helps breakdown all the major food groups and works fast to help diminish gas and bloating.
10 Day Colon Cleanse
Digestive enzymes and probiotics can be used to help relieve heartburn and acid reflux. Enzymes like those in Enzalase help breakdown hard to digest foods, which reduces the transit time and helps normalize the digestive process. Probiotics work primarily in the intestinal tract but have a synergistic effect with proton-pump cells in the stomach, which produce stomach acid. Better balance of the microbiome in the lower parts of the GI tract leads to better digestion in the higher portions of the digestive system.
Immune Support
Many probiotics claim to support immune health but it is important to understand that different strains affect the immune system in different ways. Lactobacillus strains stimulate the immune system causing an increase in white blood cell production, this is referred to as cellular immunity. Bifidobacteria support humoral immunity and help calm the immune response. For someone with an over-active immune response, a probiotic containing only Bifidobacteria would be the best option. Theralac contains both types of strains which is ideal for many people. TruFlora stimulates the immune system with Lactobacillus strains while TruBifido contains only Bifidobacteria for those that need to regulate the immune response and not stimulate it further.
Digestive Irregularity
Digestive irregularity is anything outside of a healthy and natural bowel movement which should be quick and effortless. A large variety of causes can affect our digestive heatlh and lead to constipation or diarrhea. Poor diet choices, lack of hydration, medications, and stress can all lead to digestive irregularity and discomfort. Theralac and TruFiber can help restore balance and normalize irregular digestive patterns.
45-Day Complete Digestive Health Program
Health Maintenance
Ideally, this is where we want all of our customers to get to: small, inexpensive dosing plans that help to maintain ones already good health. These use our powerful formulas from a preventative standpoint. Oftentimes, more intensive dosing protocols are required in the early stages of a GI issue; however, once symptoms subside, it is okay to reduce dosage. Theralac is a perfect choice for health maintenance as it colonizes the entire GI tract.
Still not sure which is right for you? Call me 866-222-6490. I am happy to help