Last week Kathy wrote to you about our new products. She also revealed her own experience with our brand new 10 Day Transformation Cleanse. Combine that with a few other awesome results from our early “testers” and I would think your antenna have already gone up.

What is this and what else can I expect?

Let me add my story to this journey and you will be amazed at the results. In early January this year I had “elective” (but necessary) surgery. It was relatively routine and, of course, as is customary, I had to sign one of those scary release forms outlining all the risks.

Less than 48 hours after my discharge from surgery I was brought back to the hospital through Emergency and I was one very sick puppy. The diagnosis after numerous tests and mega doses of antibiotics was something called Septic Pelvic Thrombo Phlebitis.  Eeeeeks!

Not a single good word in that title. I was in the small percentage who developed the “risk” in that waiver I signed. The course of antibiotics (4 different ones to be exact) continued for the week plus blood thinners to avert any clots. I was discharged on Friday of that week.

24 hours later….. fever and the worst abdominal pain (or any kind of pain) I’ve ever experienced sent me back to the E.R. and after almost 12 hours, i.v. meds of all kinds and tons more tests, I was taken in for emergency surgery to remove a hematoma, abscess and infected blood.

This was a big scary nightmare with all sorts of fallout.

I literally received a “mother load” of antibiotics that week and was finally sent home with a pic line to receive another 10 days worth of more super antibiotic therapy.

The good news was I survived and I’m here to tell this story!

The bad news – I came home a weak, shaky, brain fogged, anxious mess.  I developed a wicked allergic reaction to one of the antibiotics.  I had no appetite.  My taste buds decided everything that I considered good food was nauseating and I could barely eat a thing.

It was then I decided to do my own “beta test” on our new Purium cleanse. I waited until the pic line came out and the medications were done. I hadn’t even been able to open my computer and read emails – writing was out of the question – I could eat about 2 or 3 things in bird like quantities and I could barely stand for any period of time. I had to stop 4 times to get up a flight of stairs.

You get the picture – I was totally debilitated and it felt like I was walking through molasses all the time.

I started the cleanse on Monday morning. By Tuesday morning I turned on my computer for the first time and began reading my month’s worth of emails. By Wednesday morning I was drafting an email for our Winner’s Circle program and by Wednesday evening I was cooking my first meal.

The Power Shake was so easy to drink and it was a powerful feeling to finally be able to get some serious  nutrients into my body without gagging. My recovery went straight up from there.

If I didn’t experience it first hand I probably would have trouble believing it. I promise this is true!!!

Just as an additional point of interest. I had lost 16 pounds in the hospital and was not looking to lose weight with this cleanse. I was sure my body was done for the time being. Nevertheless, I lost 2 more pounds. The more significant fact is I never gained back any of the weight I lost from before and during the cleanse. I am able to eat whatever I choose now and still maintain this “hard earned” but pleasant weight loss.

Just yesterday I checked in with our most recent client who is about to finish her 10 Day Transformation. She has lost 11 pounds (and not done yet!).

Here’s an even more interesting fact. She started the cleanse after a week with a miserable sinus infection that landed her in the Emergency Room and on potent antibiotics and steroids. After a week on that treatment she was still feeling terrible and wondered whether she should begin her cleanse or not. She decided to try it on Monday and in two days she was feeling fantastic.

I don’t think that is a coincidence do you?