If you grew up Catholic, you are already familiar with meatless Fridays. Many of you may have heard of “meatless Mondays”. This is actually an international campaign to encourage people not to eat meat on Mondays to improve their health and the health of the plant. On March 20th this month, the Great American Meat Out is celebrated here in the U.S.A. and all across the globe.

What is the point of dedicating just one day to meatless meals?

Organizers of living without animal products encourage people to give the vegan way of life a try to save the planet, prevent animal cruelty and what could lead to better health.

A great deal can be accomplished by just dedicating one day a week to eating 100% plant based foods. The Great American Meatout campaign contends that completely eliminating animal products from your diet for just two days will save 28 animals and 190,000 gallons of water per year. That means that if you have one meatless day a week for a year you can save 56 animals and 4,560,000 gallons of water.

One person – one day – astronomical benefits!

A vegan diet may not be ideal for everyone, but most of us can use more plant based food in our diet. There are a lot of conflicting theories by diet and nutrition gurus. One thing there is no argument about is the value of fresh fruit and vegetables (especially leafy greens) on your plate as often as possible.

For many of you, the season of Lent will give you opportunity to explore the world of plant based meals. You won’t believe what wonderful combinations of tastes and textures you can create without a single animal product. Plant based meals can be totally balanced with protein, fats and carbohydrates – packed with nutrients and exploding with taste.

So what’s for breakfast with no eggs and bacon?

Avocado Toast is “all the rage” now. You can make “avocado boats” and build a perfect breakfast. Start with half an avocado and cut it in half. Remove the pit. Fill it with roasted tomatoes, sautéed peppers, onion an mushrooms. Add your favorite herbs and spices to the veggies (i.e. cilantro, oregano or basil). Dry toast your favorite nuts in a pan – takes just minutes. Do the same with seeds like pumpkin, sunflower, sesame, hemp. Chop the nuts and sprinkle on top. You can fill the avocado with hummus and then layer with thinly sliced cucumbers and herbs/spices. Voila! Meatless in minutes.

Click here for a yummy recipe with quinoa and apples. This will work well with any other grain that you enjoy.

Breakfast and lunch are pretty easy to create with plant based foods. Dinners are usually more challenging. Think beans! Beans make sensational meals when mixed with sautéed greens and grains seasoned with middle eastern spices, southwestern spices, Italian spices, fresh herbs. Choose the flavors you enjoy or get creative and try something new!

Pasta (gluten free of course) is always a quick and easy dinner. Click here for a simple pasta dish full of protein, veggies,and tons of interesting flavors.

Whether its Meatless Friday, Meatless Monday or any other day of the week – this is just one example of a meal that will make your whole family smile. If you are willing to try something new each week, you will quickly create a fabulous recipe collection of plant based meals. You will be surprised at the vast array of dishes that can be prepared without a single cow!